Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Giveaway Winner!!
Posted by Joanna at 8:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 19, 2013
My New Ring - AND - a GIVEAWAY!
Hey guys! I know it's been a few weeks since I've blogged. Sorry. It's been CRAZY busy this summer!
So, a lot's happened lately. I've been quilting up a storm, working on commissioned projects, projects of my own, and writing. I even published a book (my 2nd one comes out August 30th! For more about that, go here.)
I also was contacted by Diamond Candles to see if I would be willing to try their product, give my honest review, and host a giveaway.
Have you heard of Diamond Candles before? They have these awesome, all natural soy candles. And the best part? Each candle has a ring hidden inside the wax. Some of the rings aren't worth much, but there's always the chance your candle could have a ring worth up to $5000!!
So, I picked out the candle I wanted. My husband is really picky about candles (I know, weird, right?), and so I picked a scent that wasn't so much fruity or food-related. They have a lot of really good scents though. If I could have gotten the whole line, I totally would have! I ended up ordering Midnight Kiss.
I couldn't have been more surprised when it arrived. Guys, the candle is huge! Way bigger than I expected.
Posted by Joanna at 3:53 PM 5 comments
Monday, August 5, 2013
Salem Days Quilt Retreat 2013
On Saturday, August 3rd we had our annual Salem Days Quilt Retreat. We had 48 people come, and it was amazing!
We had some great gift bags with patterns and Sprinkles donated by Izzy n Ivy Designs, and a fat quarter donated by Gracie Lou's. Sweetbriar Cove gave everyone a little purse with a chapstick and a piece of chocolate. And everyone got their very own bag of Chex mix to snack on during the retreat.
We had a ton of great prizes donated from local shops and people, too. Home Depot, Velcro, and HouseParty sponsored some of our gift bags, and donated the materials to make a darling little make up organizer out of PVC couplings, Velcro one-strap, and duct tape.
We also had a slew of patterns and quilt kits donated as door prizes. Even darling ceramic button coasters, so you don't have to worry about your drink sweating onto your fabric while you sew. "Sew" cute!
Vicki Peterson, organizer of the Quilt Retreat and owner of Sweetbriar Cove, started us all off by showing us how to make a darling notions jar. You can get the jars at the Dollar Store. Then, you use a piece of fabric and gather the edges, stuff it, stick in a piece of cardboard, and glue it to the lid.
Voila! You have a cute little pincushion on the top of your notions jar!
Then, tie some ribbon in a bow around the top edge.
It was darling!
And super easy! Seriously, with some scrap fabric from your stash, a roll of ribbon, and a jar from the dollar store, this is a cheap enough gift you can make them for all of your sewing/crafting friends for Christmas gifts!
(Great idea, right? I totally might have to do that!!)
See how darling they are? I'm still dying over how cute mine is. I think I'm going to fill mine with candies though, because chocolate is a necessity while you're quilting, sewing, or crafting. Right? Right.
Next up was Carrie Brown from Gracie Lou's Quilt Shoppe in Salem. She did a trunk show, showing off some of her favorite quilts they've made at the shop.
This is one of my favorites. The 18 inch square, sashed. Super easy, super quick, super awesome for using some of those large prints you don't want to cut up into little pieces. I made this one for my mom a few years ago, and it's so quick and easy to do.
After the trunk show, Carrie taught us how to make yo-yo's without using a yo-yo maker.
It's actually not that hard. Some people turned under the raw edge of the fabric, but I decided not to. I like the look of the unfinished edge. Then, we glued the yo-yo onto the front of the notions jar. Cute, right? SUPER CUTE!

I just signed up for August's mystery quilt, and I can't wait to see what it is. Rebecca designs all her patterns, and showed us how to do some fun and different things with fabric to add a little texture to our quilts.

After Rebecca spoke, we took a break for lunch. Oh my goodness it was so yummy! Thank you to Zupa's for catering such a spectacular lunch.

Each lunch box came with the Nuts About Berries salad, the turkey cranberry sandwich, and a chocolate dipped cookie. Oh my!
I did a little make & take demonstration on how to use washi tape to make a quick and easy card. I didn't take any pictures though, sorry. But let me just tell you, it was cute. I got the idea off of the Silhouette blog. You can find the project instructions here.

Angie Stewart did a great little redwork demo. We had a few samples of finished redwork quilts there, and then she gave us all this cute free pattern she found online. Go here to download your own copy of the pattern. So cute!
I didn't get much of mine done, but this is one I am definitely going to finish. Someday. I'm adding it to my pile. ;)

We had Lynda Hales come show us some of the fabulous quilts she's made. She loves to do embroidery, and it was really fun to see all of the different things she's made with embroidered blocks.
I love this one, because it's cute and bright, with simple patchwork. Someday I'll try to do an embroidered quilt top. I don't have the patience, really, but maybe that's why I'll do it. To train myself, yeah?

It was a little tricky at first to get the hang of working with the zipper pieces, but once everything was all glued/sewn together, it actually looked really cute. Mine is a little wonky, but you get the idea. I think I'm going to buy some zippers online and make a whole bunch. Jana showed us an example she had made of the zipper flowers all connected together into a necklace. Cute idea!
After Jana spoke, we had Keri Carter do a food demonstration. My favorite! She gave us the recipe and showed us how to make her orange dream cupcakes. She even had samples premade for us to taste. They were so flipping good!

After Keri did her demo, Shannon White came and showed us some of the quilts she's made. She is such a talented lady! She teaches classes over at the Corn Wagon in Springville. She has made some great quilts and is very talented!

After her trunk show, she handed out kits and taught us how to make a quick little pin cushion ring from felt. They were so cute and easy to make. One lesson I learned though, don't hot glue the ring while it's on your finger! OUCH!
Shannon also showed us some quilts from another lady who works at Corn Wagon. This woman dyes all of their wool, and does amazing, incredible things with wool. I'd love to try something like that, someday. Wool gives a great texture to quilts and looks really fun to work with.
We had a lot of fun at Quilt Retreat this year (but don't we every year, really?). This coming Saturday is the Salem Days Quilt Show in the trees. I can't wait to see all the fun quilts people bring to show off.
Posted by Joanna at 10:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: crafts, quilt retreat, quilts, Retreat, Salem Days, sewing
Thursday, May 9, 2013
What Puppies Love
Posted by Joanna at 4:48 PM 3 comments
Monday, April 15, 2013
Pattern Review Monday: Addie Jo Skirt by Izzy & Ivy Designs
It is so quick and easy. The instructions are well written, and there are no pattern pieces to cut out before sewing. Everything is a rectangle, which is my kind of sewing!
This pattern is great for a variety of fabrics. I've got several for my daughter in a polyester blend fabric, and I've got several that are 100% cotton.
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Skirt w/underskirt |
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Skirt w/ruffle |
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Plain skirt |
The pattern itself is well-written and the instructions are very clear and easy to understand.
There are 5 skirt views. I have made 3 of them. In fact, I made the 3 shown here on this post in under an hour. The green skirt I made first. Then, I made the other two simultaneously. As long as you keep the pieces in the right piles, you can quickly sew multiple skirts at the same time.
The only change I had to make to this pattern was the elastic measurement was too big. For a size 1 (which is what I made for my daughter) it called for 19 inches of elastic. I ended up cutting 17 inches of elastic and then overlapping the ends within the casing by almost an inch. So, my recommendation for a perfect fit would be to take the waist measurement, subtract an inch, and then overlap almost another inch.
If you are looking for a quick and easy skirt to make, this pattern is it! My daughter has multiples and wears them all the time. She loves skirts (I love how easy they are to get on and off her little 15 month old self), and these are simple yet girly enough for every day wear, not just as a Sunday outfit.
To see the other cute patterns Izzy and Ivy Designs have to offer, check them out here.
Posted by Joanna at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 8, 2013
Postless Week
Sorry it's been a week without a post! Things have been a little busy over here and I haven't had a chance to schedule any posts for a while. Hopefully I'll have time to do that later this week, so stay tuned and keep checking back!
Also, if you haven't followed me on Facebook yet, I post photos on there, so check it out!
Oh, and I'm on Instagram! Username: bustylarue. Look me up. Feel free to follow. I usually follow you back, as long as you aren't a spammer! ;)
Posted by Joanna at 10:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 1, 2013
Cardboard Toy Box Tutorial
So last month the boy needed to have a cardboard box vehicle for the Kindy 500, which is a "tour" of some of America's monuments at the elementary school. I made him this fun red car. He had a blast!
His sister really likes to play in it, but it doesn't make a good storage box for her toys, so I knew I needed to figure something out.
I had just picked up a case of paper from Costco, and it was the perfect size for a toy box. And it had a lid!!
I've been playing with vinyl on my Silhouette Cameo, so I was itching to do something with vinyl and paint!
I bought a few motifs from the Silhouette store and played around with them in the software until I got the look I wanted.
Then I cut the shapes out on the vinyl and set them aside. It was now time to get the box ready.
I did one coat of primer on the box, laying the spray paint thicker on the printed areas. When that was dry I painted all the areas that would have vinyl applied pink. I used Rustoleum brand. It sprayed really evenly. Tip: it takes a little longer, but spray each side flat, not standing up. That way the paint won't drip and run.
I actually used two coats of pink paint, to make sure it was dark enough. Then I applied the vinyl. After you adhere the vinyl you will want to make sure that the edges are all pressed down firmly. Then I painted over the vinyl in pink to set the edges.
Let that dry, then paint over everything in your top color. I used kind of an aqua blue color. Depending on the color you use, you may needier than one coat for coverage. If you are doing a lighter color on top of a dark, I recommend using a primer in between layers. Since the aqua was darker than the pink I only needed one coat.
Let the paint dry. Then, using tweezers and a hook tool, remove the vinyl pieces. When you peel them off it will reveal the color underneath! It looks really cool.
If you want, you can use a clear coat to finish it off. :)
And there you have it! A personalized toy box for pretty cheap! If you don't have a box from a case of paper, any old box would do. You could cut the flaps off the top of an amazon or other shipping box, too if you want. I'd love to see what you come up with when you do this tutorial! Head on over to my Facebook page and post a photo of your finished personalized toy box!
Posted by Joanna at 6:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 29, 2013
I love Owls! And I love purple. And I love Chevrons. Which makes this quilt one of my favorites because it combines all three things!
In the inner border at the top and bottom I quilted a tight figure 8, and then I quilted a loose wishbone across the chevron outer border.
I used a grey thread which worked really nicely with the purples and greys in the quilt.
Posted by Joanna at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Wool Flowers
On this beautiful quilt with wool applique I quilted feathers (surprise, surprise!) and a lot of modern lines.
Or this one: I thought it would be fun to highlight the pinwheel aspect of this block, so I quilted back and forths in half of the triangles to give some texture but also to highlight the pinwheels.
In the background behind the flowers I quilted lines to signify air, and I stitched around the wool applique. You can see in this picture that I quilted feathers in the setting triangles and also in the outer border.
In the corner squares of the quilt I quilted a feathered wreath.
I used white colored thread across the whole quilt.
Posted by Joanna at 8:00 AM 0 comments