Custom Longarm Machine Quilting

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Circles and Stars

My client, "Joy" as I call her, brought me a quilt a few weeks ago. I finished it on Monday, and it turned out so cute! She wanted concentric circles (or bulls eyes) inside the circles on the quilt, and then she wanted me to echo the stars.

She got the pattern out of an old copy of Fons and Porter, and brought it in for me to reference. She had tried before to explain to me how she wanted it quilted, but seeing the picture made it a little easier to understand her vision once I saw the picture.

I have an attachment for my Gammill, and it allows me to do perfect circles, making this task a lot easier.

Above: the finished quilt top. It turned out so cute! Below: The back of the quilt. I think the back looks so cool. On some quilts where the back is very simple and you use a neutral thread color, the quilting just pops. I LOVE IT!

Above: close up of the circles. I did 5 circles, ranging from about 11 inches in diameter down to 3 inches in diameter. Below: I echo-ed the stars out to fill in the background behind the circles.

Above: In the borders I did half circles. In the corner I did 4 circles, ranging from about 9 inches in diameter to 3 inches in diameter. For the rest of the circles I did 3 ranging from about 7 inches to 3 inches in diameter. Below: Also, about halfway across each border, I did a section of cross-hatching.
The circle design is now available for use on other quilts.